Cycle Touring Patagonia with a Toddler

It’s happening. Nearly ten years ago when Kevin and I were on our multi-year open ended bike tour we met multiple cycling families and dreamed of someday bringing our own kid(s) along and showing them this way of life. Now, we get to. Kinda.

We will be going back to the basics; camping every night, cooking on our small gas stove, pedaling during the day, bathing in rivers, and stopping whenever we please, unsure how many miles we will cover a day or where we will end up that night. That being said, this trip is also incredibly different from our open ended tour (which, in my heart, is still what “real” cycle touring is) because we have a start and end date/location, six weeks (a pretty short time frame for cycle touring) in between, and our phones with maps and apps on them which may be the biggest difference compared to the mapless (literally, sometimes not even a paper one) and researchless exploring we have done before by bike. The biggest and best difference though, will be our 25 pound dead weight and her 25 pound trailer which will ensure a healthy dose of type two fun for us all in the coming months.

We have chosen to go back down to Patagonia because it checks some of our most important cycle touring boxes: good easy beautiful wild camping, quiet(ish) roads and relatively easy cycling (except for the insane winds), stunning mountains (with fish in the rivers for Kevin), and perhaps most importantly, the ability to cycle it during our winter when Kevin can get time off. It feels wrong in some ways to return somewhere we have already been while so many new places are on our list, but for this trip, our first as a family, and the time frame we are working with, it just feels right. 

Our prep for this trip has consisted of and buying new waterproof socks and gloves to replace our worn out one, and while we meant to cycle at least one day fully loaded, sickness and snow prevented that from happening. This means that our first day down there will be our first day cycle touring as a family! 

We leave next week and expect a very long tedious 30+ hours of traveling to get down there. I don’t plan to update the blog so if you want to follow along on our adventures, check us out on Instagram (@awanderingphoto) where I will post updates! 

A Photographic Journey Through the Tetons

At the end of the summer I road tripped through Yellowstone, the Tetons, and Utah with the intention of trail running, though the trip involved  a lot more snow than I had bargained for in late September and meant that I didn’t get to complete most of the runs I had anticipated nor the backpacking trip I had planned for the Tetons. That being said, after seeing the Tetons for the first time I figured out why they are so famous, and know I will find a reason to visit again, so those adventures will be saved for another trip.

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Backpacking in Oregon

Quick and dirty (photo) guide to three of the most popular backpacking trips in Oregon including the 50-60 mile Sisters loop (depending on your route), forty mile Mount Hood loop, and a choose your own adventure through the Eagle Caps.

Eagle Caps

The Eagle Caps are the least visited (and most beautiful) mountains in Eastern Oregon, hours away from any big cities. My best friend and I did a wonderful forty mile loop there this summer, and I’m excited to explore more of the hundreds of trails in the year to come! Sleeping at glacier lake and hiking up Eagle Cap were the highlights of our trip.

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Running and Backacking in the Sawtooths: 120 Miles of Bliss

This summer the Sawtooths – a stunning mountain range in centro Idaho – and I became acquaintances during an 120 mile solo backpacking trip. I left from the Grandjean trailhead with a map, ten days of food, and my running shoes.

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From La Grande to Astoria and What’s Up Next

It’s been a while since I’ve checked in so I figured I would catch y’all up on our last year since New Zealand before we begin our next cycling adventure through Oman in just a few weeks!

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Bike Rafting: The Freedom, The Solitutde, The Adventure

Fresh fish smoked over the fire and a sunset overlooking a huge lake in the Fiordlands turned out to be one of the most amazing evenings we have ever had.

After putting our bikes back together and strapping our Alpacka packrafts to the back we cycled away from the ocean along a quiet country road before arriving to the boardland road – a 50km gravel road which goes through the Fiordlands before ending at Lake Manapouri where we planned to put the boats back in the water.

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A Photographic Journey Packrafting the Waiau

Packrafting down the Waiau proved to be the best thing we have done in New Zealand. We got to wild camp every night, enjoyed our long days on the water, and best of all, with our boats on our bikes and then our bikes on our boats we got to enjoy the self sufficiency and solitude we have so been craving. Somehow, the fine line between uncomfortable (wet and slightly cold due to our not so waterproof rain gear) and comfort (always having a dry warm sleeping bag at night) seems to be where we have the most fun.

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Packrafting – “Roads? Where We’re Going We Don’t Need Roads”

Cycle touring opened a world of travel and exploration for us, and we can tell that packrafts – a magical little boat that fits in your backpack or on your bike and can be blown up and packed down in minutes – are going to open our world even further.

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Sunsets, Steamboats, and Solitude: NZ Honeymoon

We strategically camped twenty kilometres away from Queenstown (in Arrowtown) where I was able to spend an evening trail running completely alone on beautiful trails before we rode a mountain bike route into town the next morning. We were able to get a boat ride across the lake – on a steam powered boat – right away, and so after just half an hour in the craziness of Queenstown we were able to escape to the other side where we found two days of solitude, dirt roads, and beautiful scenery.

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